Comment traiter les poux de tête


Les poux sont un petit insecte parasite qui vit sur d’autres organismes vivants. Certains vivent sur les cheveux de l’hôte et mettent ses œufs entre ses cheveux et sucent son sang. Il est difficile de se débarrasser de ces insectes en raison de leur très petite taille et de les multiplier en grand nombre sur le cuir chevelu du soutien de famille ou d’autres parties de son corps, certains d’entre eux affectent les animaux de compagnie, tandis que d’autres affectent les humains. Ces organismes parasites causent un certain nombre de problèmes de santé. En plus de provoquer de graves démangeaisons et une irritation cutanée, ils peuvent également être responsables de la transmission de nombreuses maladies graves, le plus souvent la typhoïde, et plusieurs types de fièvre. Les poux ont généralement 35 jours, presque l’âge adulte, et leurs œufs poussent entre les cheveux de l’organisme hôte, qui est contagieux, passant d’une personne à une autre par contact direct ou échange d’outils personnels (peignes, épingles à cheveux et vêtements).

Types de poux

Les poux sont divisés en plusieurs espèces et espèces, mais il existe trois groupes de base qui affectent le corps humain:

  • Les poux de tête Il est appelé poux de tête en raison de sa présence dans les cheveux de la tête, en particulier à l’arrière du cou et derrière les oreilles. Ce type est répandu chez les enfants, en particulier les enfants dans les crèches et les écoles.
  • Les poux du corps : Ce type de poux existe dans le corps, où la femelle met ses œufs entre les plis des vêtements et déplace ses enfants vers le corps pour obtenir de la nourriture.
  • Les poux du pubis : This type of lice exists and proliferate in the pubic area and around the anus. In rare cases, lice can appear on facial hair, eyelashes, armpit hair, or even chest hair.

When to treat lice

The main motive for starting lice treatment is to discover live supplements on the hair of the infected person, and may find the pools of his eggs on the hair, but they may be dead or have been frozen (exited embryos for some time and no longer constitute harm), in such a case must wait several days And to re-ascertain the presence of live insects in the infected person, and for this reason, during the treatment of an infected person must be graduated in several stages, even when the use of medical preparations specialized in killing lice, it is necessary to repeat the entire treatment again after 10 days to make sure To spend on the second generation of lice, which will hatch from its eggs after the end of the first treatment.

The most common symptoms of head lice

  • Itching in different areas of the head : There are many symptoms that appear and indicate that the owner is infected with lice, and the most important of these symptoms to feel constant strong itching. This itching is spread all over the head, so it is not in a particular place. It is possible that the patient feels that there is itching on the neck or head, and this is one of the most prominent symptoms of lice infection.
  • The emergence of protrusions in the head : It is possible to appear in the head of the injured some small bumps or other scars, which result from the erosion of the scalp because of the erosion of the gravel. This offer comes after a period of injury, as it is caused by continuous itching, and absorption of large amounts of scalp blood due to the proliferation of parasitic insects in it.
  • Feel the movement of lice : The infected person can feel these small insects as they move on the scalp and are distracted by the large numbers.

How to cure lice

The problem of lice is relatively common among people, and the risk of becoming easily contagious. When you share personal objects (such as hair comb, hair scissors or hats) it is easy to move lice from one person to another. People are infected, especially with their hair head; it attracts specific types of insects. Due to the nature of this infection, it is most common in young children (in preschool or primary school), because of their great tendency towards play, friction and sharing of objects. It is not recommended to use any kind of treatment against the lice that come only when it is already confirmed that the cause of the problem:

Use custom combs

Some stores have special types of combs designed to make them effective in removing lice. The idea of ​​these combs is to clean the hair completely by manually removing the insects in the hair. If you want to use lice removal combs, you must first wash the head hair thoroughly with water, to prevent the lids from escaping the comb, and then place the affected person under clear light, and another one to hold the curls of his hair and combing it from the hair conditioner (often lice ), And then comb hair to the end of the hair to ensure the disposal of the insect, and not remain stuck in one part of the hair.

Coupe de cheveux

The lice comb should be used along with other treatments to increase its efficiency and to ensure that any remaining lice are removed. However, using a lice comb frequently can be difficult, and some will turn to a full haircut until the head is completely bald. , Which destroys the habitat in which the lice live, leaves eggs, and ensures the cleanliness of the head and the salvation of the lice eggs that hang in the stems of hair follicles. If the girl is infected, hair can be shortened so that the hair is very short, so it becomes easy to distinguish the insects on it, and get rid of lice comb or other means.

Air chaud

Any hot air source can be used to eliminate lice, but the most effective and simple method is to use a hair flap. The hot air stream drains the lice eggs, kills the developing embryos, and destroys most adult insects in the scalp. However, this process will need a lot of repetition to bring good results, it is necessary to dry the hair hot air daily or semi-daily until the disappearance of symptoms of lice, to ensure the destruction of newly developed eggs on a continuous basis.

White and red vinegar

This method is used to get rid of the lice insects. It depends on the acids in the vinegar that help kill the insects that live in the head, whether they are lice or small lice eggs (called crows). The idea is to rub the human hair with vinegar in full, then leave for several hours, and then wash thoroughly with water. This treatment is repeated twice or three times a week until the symptoms of lice disappear.


The idea of ​​using mayonnaise is based on the same principle as white and red vinegar, and mayonnaise is recognized by the Minnesota Department of Health as an effective means of controlling lice. Some substances in mayonnaise can destroy the internal cells of the louse, eliminating eggs and causing them to break. This method is used to rub the scalp with the mayonnaise, in addition to the white or red vinegar, so that it is an integrated mixture. The head must be completely covered with a plastic lid and left for a period, and then washed and dried to kill the lice.


Are bags that generate heat or even electricity inside, and can be filled with a bag or anti-lice material, for example, and the head is covered by it, and works the same principle of airway (hot air), which is also a means of eliminating lice, Useful to resort to other means with him, such as combing hair comb with the elimination of lice and other.

Treatments from the pharmacy

In addition to traditional methods, pharmacies provide different types of treatment to kill head lice, which often eliminate adult lice insects, so it is advisable to repeat them after a few days to ensure the elimination of lice. Small insects that could have been hatched from their eggs.

Home remedies for the problem of head lice

  • Jus d’oignon : It is used by rubbing the juice with the scalp and the rest of the hair and leave it for three hours, then wash the hair shampoo.
  • Le vinaigre : By mixing two tablespoons of vinegar with six teaspoons of water, and then mix the mixture and placed on the hair injured, and wrap the hair and cover the head with clean cloth, and the next morning wash hair shampoo.
  • Mix a mixture of equal amounts of olive oil, mayonnaise and Vaseline Mix it with each other and put it on the head, and then cover the head with a plastic hat to the next morning, and then wash with shampoo.
  • Feuilles de basilic : Wash the fresh basil leaves and put in the blender, and then add a little water until it becomes rough, and paint the whole hair, and leave half an hour to dry and then wash hair shampoo.

All that is said in this paragraph is simple home remedies, so it is best to repeat them twice a week to get better results. It is also necessary to clean and wash bedspreads, pillows and blankets to make sure there are no eggs or lice.