How to treat skin lotions

Traitement de l’acné

Home Acne Treatment

There are some home remedies for acne, namely:

  • flocons d’avoine: Reduces oatmeal because it cleanses the pores of the skin and absorbs excess oil. It can be used by mixing a teaspoon of honey with half a lemon juice. Add a cup of oatmeal to the mixture, apply it to the skin, leave it for 30 minutes, Lukewarm, taking care to repeat the method once or twice a week.
  • Limonade: The properties of lemon acid in the treatment of acne, because it cleans the accumulated dirt in the pores, and can be used on the skin daily, but when dry skin is used every two or three days, by rubbing a slice of lemon on the affected area, and leave for several hours, , Lemon juice can be used in combination with rose water in equal amounts, then wash the affected area carefully.
  • dentifrice: Toothpaste is one of the easiest home remedies for acne, reduces swelling, dries acne, and can be used by putting a small amount of white toothpaste on the affected area before bedtime.

Follow a daily routine

A daily routine can be followed to eliminate new youth pills by adhering to the following:

  • Wash the face with hypoallergenic soap three times a day.
  • Keep the skin hydrated.
  • Use of benzoyl peroxide treatments.
  • Clean the skin by using special facial lotions that contain alcohol with medical substance.
  • Use soap, some topical medications to treat acne on the back, shoulders, chest, face, and buttocks.

Traitement des boutons

la fraise

Strawberries, which contain a high amount of natural salicylic acid, help reduce the clogging of pores caused by a type of bacteria, contribute to the recovery of dull skin, can be done by mashing 2-3 grains of strawberries, mixing them with water or with honey, On his mask a good aroma, then wash it with warm water after 10-15 minutes.


Aspirin is one of the most important ingredients in commercial products that treat acne; it has strong properties, such as salicylic acid, which comes from salicylic acid. It can be applied by crushing 2-3 tablets of aspirin. Mix them with a little water until a paste is obtained , Then applied to the affected area, and covered with a bandage or a piece of cloth, and left throughout the night.

Note : It is noteworthy that there are many other recipes for the treatment of pimples, including: honey, turmeric, witch hazel, potatoes, tea tree oil, garlic, and others.

Traitement de l’eczéma

Home Eczema Treatment

Home eczema can be treated by:

  • Use a liquid moisturizing soap, not to cause dryness of the skin.
  • Take a warm and short bath, avoid taking a very hot and long bath.
  • Use moisturizers for the skin.

Traitement de l’eczéma

There are some medications that are used to treat eczema, including:

  • Hydrocortisone: Hydrocortisone reduces eczema, and is a cream or ointment taken over-the-counter, but needs a prescription if eczema is acute.
  • Antihistamines: Helps relieve the symptoms of eczema, are taken orally, and consumed without a prescription, but sometimes cause drowsiness.
  • Corticostéroïdes: Corticosteroids are prescribed if other treatments do not work and are taken with care to follow your doctor’s directions when taking oral steroids.
  • Ultraviolet therapy: This treatment is useful in serious cases.