Benefits of fenugreek oil for fattening the face

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The full face and high-gloss cheeks are a sign of beauty. Most women resort to beauty centers to get the most beautiful view of a new technology called the filler, where the face is injected with a substance that helps fill the face and blow it in a beautiful and satisfying way.

The cause of the thinnest face is likely to be due to several factors such as heredity, malnutrition and lack of attention to the quality of the food. It is also possible to have dryness in the skin and lack of sufficient water, fatigue, or psychological factors and depression also works on facial pallor. For all the reasons and others, we first have to avoid all the problems surrounding us and heal completely physical and psychological diseases, and then get a healthy and balanced diet to restore the cells not only face but the body as a whole.

Apart from the beauty centers and the high cost of such procedures, discovered mixtures of nature inspired to fatten the face to appear more fresh and at the lowest costs without collateral damage. The most effective of these substances is fenugreek oil. The experiments have shown great benefit and dazzling results in blowing cheeks and fattening the face.

Benefits of fenugreek oil for facial fatten

The oil of the fenugreek contains antioxidants, phytec, soap, collagen and other substances that help to build facial skin cells again in a more balanced and healthy, and works the same principle of the work of injection of silicon thanks to collagen contained in the oil corrects the construction of cells and stimulate the work well to fill the gaps and lines and wrinkles in the face and also areas of the lower face to look more full than before, and not only that it works to correct the defects in the face and strengthen the immunity to resist the factors affecting it, and get rid small acne and various infections.

Mixtures for fattening the face with fenugreek oil

Oil of milk and castor oil

Mix the same amounts of oil and rub the face for half an hour a day at night, then rinse the face with lukewarm water and soap and repeat the previous step every day for a month to get the best results.

Fenugreek oil and yeast

Dissolve a tablespoon of yeast in warm water first, then add the same amount of oil and mix well and placed on the face for a quarter of an hour a daily for 3 weeks.

Fenugreek oil is of precious oils that should not be without any house for its benefits on the body as a whole and on the face in particular.