Traitement de l'hyperplasie thyroïdienne


Thyroid hyperplasia is a disease that causes swelling of the gland in the neck and appears in the form of a tumor, which occurs as a result of dysfunction in the thyroid gland or lack thereof, causing a decrease in the production of thyroid hormone, and this is often due to lack of iodine element in the body or increase, You should visit your doctor before starting any treatment, and the most vulnerable people to the disease are people in the high mountain areas and desert areas.

Traitement de l’hyperplasie thyroïdienne


Iodine deficiency in the body is one of the causes of thyroid hyperplasia. In order to compensate for this deficiency, it is necessary to eat foods and foods rich in iodine, which amounts to an adult of 150 micrograms daily, and food rich in iodine: salt, eggs, cabbage, yogurt, milk, cherries and grilled potatoes with straws.


Seaweeds contribute to the treatment of hyperthyroidism and to normal size, as they are rich in iodine, calcium, magnesium and iron, can be found dried in the market. Seaweeds are salty foods and can be added to any soup or salty salad. For any favorite drink and take it, and found in the form of capsules can be taken after consultation with the doctor.


Is a very rich source of iodine and contains antioxidants, sulfur and other minerals. It can be used to treat thyroid hyperplasia by squeezing a pack of leaves of watercress to make a homogeneous mixture and put the mixture on the neck where the swelling and leave for a third of an hour before washing with water, You must continue for at least 10 days to get good results.


Dandelion leaves reduce the size of the thyroid gland as well as reduce the pain resulting from it. Two or three dandelions are taken and mixed with a piece of butter and placed on the fire until they become warm. The neck is placed on the neck and covered with compresses for several hours. And then add a little butter and mix them together, then heat the mixture on the fire and place it on the swollen places and leave it for at least quarter of an hour, and use these methods once or twice a day and for two weeks to obtain positive results.


Garlic is used to treat glandular hyperplasia because it is very effective in the secretion of glutathione important to the health of the gland and it reduces the resulting swelling. Garlic can be used by chewing two or three garlic a morning, or add them to food instead, or can be taken in the form of pills and capsules After consulting your doctor.