What Remedies Acne Remedies


Many people suffer from the effects of acne on the face; some complain, especially during adolescence of the emergence of grain on the face, which causes them embarrassment and discomfort because the view of grain on the face is desirable, but the effects of the grain is not less dangerous than the grains that appear on Face, because removing them requires the maximum procedures sometimes such as laser operations on the skin, or see a doctor of the skin.

But people should not resort to these actions precisely at a time when they can fight and hide the effects of acne using natural methods while in the home, and using materials that already exist, how can fight the emergence of acne on the face to reduce the effects, and thus reduce the appearance of love from Foundation on the face, to avoid the appearance of the problem of love effects again.

Traiter les effets de l’acné

There are several methods and tips to follow to treat the effects of acne, including:

Épluchage du visage

You can treat the effects of face pills by constantly peeling the face. By peeling the face, you can remove the dead skin layer from the face and open the pores of the skin and remove the excess scabs from the effects of love permanently; the face peeling is the best solution to treat the effects of grains found on The face we could not handle from the start. Facial peeling can be done by bringing the following ingredients:

  • Jus de demi-citron.
  • Une demi-cuillère à café de carbonate de sodium.
  • Cuillère de sucre.
  • De fins morceaux de citron.
  • Spoon cream.

Then mix the ingredients together, and then put the mixture on the face by gently rubbing it gently, and then rubbing the face again using lemon pieces for ten minutes, and then you should wash your face with warm water.

Use rose water

You can use the rose water to remove the effects of the grain on the face by washing the face first using sulfur soap, which works to dry the face, and dry the liquid in the grain; become non-red and non-prominent, and then you put a little rose water In the freezer to become cubes of rose water of ice, and then pass a cube of rose water on the face to moisturize the skin and calm and to hide the effects of grain on the face.

Utilisez du citron

Lemon is a very useful substance to combat the effects of grains on the face; because it works to lighten the effects of dark grains, which leave disturbing effects, but you can rub your face with a cotton mixed with lemon juice every day for two weeks and the effects will disappear.