Ways to remove acne quickly

Façons d’éliminer l’acné

There are now many treatments to get rid of acne without the anxiety or embarrassment caused by, and there is no need to cover the lady of the layers of cream that affects the foundation of the beauty of your skin as a large use, and acne varies from one person to another there are intractable types that leave scars in the face, In this case, it is preferable to consult a dermatologist and other types that are simple due to psychological condition such as tension, change in the hormones of the body, or even not to wipe the makeup well from the face before sleep, and we can simply use natural mixtures prepared at home to get rid of them, and the easiest and fastest way To Thief of acne

Mélanger le curcuma et le miel

Add a tablespoon of honey, liquid milk and turmeric in a bowl and mix well until the mixture is firm, and spread it on your face and leave it for about 15 minutes, then wash it with warm water, then cold to close the pores. This mixture sterilizes and cleanses the face of germs and grain microbes .

La pâte de tomate

The tomato has the amazing ability to get rid of sunburn and grain, by mixing the pulp of the mashed tomato with a choice of mashed cucumber, and then put on your skin for a quarter of an hour a day until the pills completely disappear.

Note : You can use the electric racket for a better result.

Gel d’aloe vera

Buy gel from any perfume close to your home, wipe it on the face helps reduce the grain and its effects, and acts as a sterilizer for the skin.

Masque de bicarbonate de sodium

This substance is used in the manufacture of baked goods, and after the experiment proved effective in getting rid of acne for as long as possible, where bicarbonate mixed with water and placed on the face for a third of an hour twice a week and wash with cold water, but before that make sure to clean your face well of makeup.

Dead sea clay mask

The Dead Sea is one of the therapeutic tourist areas in Jordan. The tourists come from every direction to get rid of a lot of diseases, especially the skin. This medicine has a tremendous healing ability to get rid of the grains in a short time, just put it on the face and leave it for a third of an hour twice a week. Wash your face with cold water.

Traitement à l’ail

It is known that garlic is an antibiotic and general disinfectant for the body, protect against infections and harmful bacteria, especially in the digestive system, just massage the place of garlic in circles more than once a day during the day to reduce the size if it is large and to reduce the spread in other areas of the face .

These mixes can be used for both young people and girls.