Methods of treatment and prevention of acne

When Does Acne Appear?

One of the clear signs of adolescence in girls and boys is the appearance of some of the prominent grains on the face (called young beans). These tend to tend to the harsh, sometimes painful texture, and the red color is incandescent and has a white or black head depending on the severity of the condition. These are problems that affect young people of both sexes at this stage. They usually appear between the age of 14 and 18 and usually disappear at the age of 20 if treated properly and left no trace where they appear.

Where do young people appear?

Young people usually appear on the face, back, and shoulders, and the appearance and size of the grains varies according to the type of person, each of which needs different care.

Acne Skin Care Methods

  1. Oily skin: It is the most susceptible to the emergence of such pills because of the secretions produced by the skin to continue as they become more susceptible to bacteria and bacteria that cause inflammation and difficult situation.
  2. Dry skin is one of the fortunate human beings, as the grains do not appear in a widespread manner but are confined to the top of the forehead and are not large or prominent.
  3. Normal skin: It shows the pills very simple and increase in tension and nervousness and lack of sleep.
  4. Mixed skin: The grains appear temporarily and do not last long as the bacteria causing these pills do not find a suitable environment for reproduction and be easily cured.

Methods of treatment and prevention of acne

La peau grasse

  1. The use of strong laxatives on fat three times a day can be purchased from the appropriate lotion from pharmacies. The lemon solution can be replaced with warm water. Place the lotion. Bring a piece of gauze and lemon with it and clean the entire skin daily three times.
  2. Never use moisturizers because they contain high fat content.
  3. Care for the cleanliness of the face and body in general and bathing in water and soap every day until the secretion of fatty secretions.

La peau sèche

  1. Use a mild, non-rubbing lotion on the skin once a day. Children’s soap can be used to clean the skin as it contains a small amount of fat.
  2. Focus on the appearance of grain and on the sides of the nose where the fat is concentrated in these areas.

Normal chicks

You do not need to take the usual daily care. To avoid the appearance of the pills, wash the skin with a mild soap so that the skin does not peel too much.

Peau mixte

  1. Daily skin care and cleaning with laurel or Nabulsi soap to maintain balance.
  2. Use lotion with moisturizer to avoid dryness of the skin and remove oils from them as they are human beings that produce oils with very little.