How to remove traces of grain from the face

Acne is one of the most common health problems related to puberty, and once the boy or girl reaches adolescence, some changes occur, such as the appearance of the pills on the face, neck, shoulders, back and chest, and in the form of black and white heads or painful skin blisters may disappear With time left behind or scars and effects need longer period of disappearance, the problem gradually fades away after adolescence.

The appearance of acne varies from person to person because of its association with the genetic factor of the family, including what is associated with the physiological state of the body such as the change of hormones in certain periods of women such as pregnancy and menstrual cycle, which is linked to the concentration of the male hormone, and therefore more common in males than in females, but in all cases Carefully treat these pills to avoid scars and scars as much as possible.

The pills leave pigmentation, scars, or scars on the face due to inflammation caused by contamination due to contact with unclean hand or accumulation of oils and dead skin cells. The bacteria enter the pores and cause the redness and pores of the pores, and it is important to be treated at full speed so as not to increase inflammation and reach the depth and leave scars.

To protect the skin from the appearance of these scars, we recommend that you keep your face clean before leaving the house and put the sunscreen and skin care after returning home, to remove the soil and dead cells using soap, water or soap for acne, and avoid peeling pimples and skin pills, because it increases Of the chance of exposure to inflammation and thus become a larger scar.

The effects of acne persist for a long time, for red pigmentation or structure, it takes 6 months to a year if not treated quickly and appropriately, and treatment is easier than other effects, you can use mixtures and natural recipes in addition to topical chemicals, Completely eliminate these pigments after treatment, such as using vinegar and salt in addition to rose water and glycerin to ease the mixture and put it on the face in a circular motion for two minutes and then washed with warm water.

As for scars, they are often of the low type (drilling) for post-acne or high-type is not common, you should see a specialist dermatologist, and treated with surgical methods after the stabilization of the situation and the emergence of new pills for at least 6 months.