Acne causes the appearance


Acne is one of the most common skin problems among young people. It is a bothersome problem, especially if the pills and pimples are very common on the skin. It can cause deep scars in the skin that are difficult to remove or eliminate. Identify the causes of acne, how to remove it and prevent it too.

Les causes de l’acné

  • There is an imbalance in the hormones of the body, so it often appears in adulthood, where the Androgen stimulates the sebaceous glands, which increases the secretion of the oils of the skin, the formation of acne, and increases the likelihood of the emergence of acne during the menstrual period, pregnancy, as well as menopause, This is caused by hormonal changes in the body.
  • Skin type, where the increase in the likelihood of the emergence of grain in the owners of oily skin, due to increased secretion of skin fat.
  • Take certain types of medicines, especially those containing estrogen, lithium, steroids, or androgen.
  • Use some hair care or oily skin.
  • ADN.
  • Stress, anxiety, or mental disorders result in hormone imbalance, which increases the fat content of the skin.

Remèdes à la maison pour l’acné

  • Épluchure d’orange: By drying the orange peel, then grind it, mix it with an appropriate amount of water, and apply the mixture to the infected skin areas.
  • Limonade: By dipping the cotton lemon juice natural, and then clear the skin for some time and then wash, and to obtain a good result, it is desirable to repeat the recipe regularly.
  • Ail: By massage the area of ​​the skin infected with pimples and grains with slices of garlic peel and fresh, or eat two to three cloves of raw garlic on a daily basis, which increases purity of blood, and prevent the emergence of acne.
  • Coriander and turmeric: By mixing a teaspoon of coriander or mint juice, with a small amount of turmeric powder, apply the mixture on blackheads and blackheads also for some time, then wash it before bedtime.
  • Option: Regularity of the grated cucumber on the face or areas affected by grain for a quarter to a third of an hour helps to get rid of acne effectively.

Acne Treatment Tips

  • Eat vegetables and fruits as daily as possible.
  • Drink plenty of water, or unsweetened lemon juice, and keep away from artificial juices.
  • Stay away from eating canned foods, pickles, sugars, and soft drinks.
  • Changing the covers of pillows from time to time, as the results of a German study, it is possible to be the cause of the parasites of the skin and therefore the emergence of acne.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety, so exercise relaxation exercises; Calioga or meditation, or exercise any kind of sport.